Teton Lunch Counter food order

A Teton Lunch Counter order is packaged and ready to be delivered to a local guide that will then serve the lunches to their customers later in the day.

“Wyoming felt like home.” This was Teton Lunch Counter owner Tori Parker’s response to the question, “Why did you pick Jackson Hole, Wyoming, as the spot to begin your business?”

Tori Parker

Teton Lunch Counter owner Tori Parker proudly displays some locally grown plants that will be used in her upcoming menu.

As a world traveler, Parker’s decision to settle in Wyoming wasn’t made lightly. She was born in a small town in Kentucky and grew up living as much of her life outdoors as possible.

Teton Lunch Counter - lunch boxes

A few examples of the stainless steel lunch boxes (and silicone lids) used by Teton Lunch Counter to keep food fresh and edible for customers.

Teton Lunch Counter preserved food

With Wyoming’s short growing season, Parker purchases as much local produce as she can and then preserves it so she can use it in her food later in the year.

Teton Lunch Counter lunches

An up-close look at an order of lunches for a guide. Each lunch can be adjusted to meet customers’ preferences and needs.

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